As in any deed restricted community, we have rules and regulations that are documented in our covenants which provides our community a wonderful place to live. There was a recent period of time where almost no enforcement was conducted (2019-2020). The Board of Directors has determined that it is in the best interest of our community to begin enforcement.
With that, we contractually hire our management company (has always been a part of the contract) to personally inspect our community for violations. If you received a first “friendly reminder” and request and have questions or concerns, your first point of contact of resolution is with the management contact person on the correspondence.
Our Management Company has begun the property inspections. Violations can be for anything in the Bylaws/Declaration/rules and include watering on wrong days, work conducted without an ARC request, poor lawn/landscaping, home needing power washing/paint, driveway needing power washing to name only a few. What we cannot send violations for is any vehicles in the streets. This has been a topic of past confusion, however has been clarified by our attorney. The streets in our community are not HOA common property (like many other communities are) and therefore we cannot create rules for conduct there.